Delivering Customer Success

Successful sales organizations understand that selling outcomes is mostly about the ability to paint a picture of how the customer will benefit from your products and services.  
Exceptional sales people collaborate with their customers to address the following questions:  much about selling the benefits of the solution using value visioning and value positioning techniques as well as it is about the sales person “being the value” by working collaboratively with their customers to answer 5 questions throughout the buying cycle:

  • Are we working on the right problem/opportunity?
  • How do we design the best solution?
  • How do we ensure an efficient engagement?
  • How do we achieve a flawless implementation?
  • How do we capture the expected ROI?


In short, effective sales people understand that the customer views successful buying as a collaborative problem-solving process.
Sales organizations that want to move from a product-oriented sales approach to an outcome-based selling approach go through the following steps:

Ensure that our sales force aligns their efforts to the customer buying process.
Focus our sales force on performing the right activities at the right time in the right way.
Implement an outcome-based sales approach that it is aligned with customer buying needs.
Stay involved after the deal to help the customer capture the anticipated ROI.
Establish a process to constantly capture and communicate the value we have delivered.